Long distance training… Does that appeal to you? We’d like to know!

Covid-19 happened… and so here we are, working with our lovely clients from a distance and seriously looking into developing Online coaching and training programs so you can not only pick and choose what you’d like to learn or improve but also when you’d like to pick your brain to do that!

We like to get things done and do them well, so we need your input (thank you!) to help us create a digital (yet fun), interactive (because we will still be around, just behind a computer) and informative product.

This will only require a few minutes of your time. Please take a look at our questionnaire and let us know what you think… Merci!

*Required fields

Company Name
Email * (you may wish to be “creative” with your name, but please don’t be with your email address)

How long have you been in your job? (if applicable)

Are you already an awesome client of Etiquette & Decorum?

If you are an awesome client of Etiquette & Decorum, which program have you participated in?

Specify for "Art of Living"

Do you currently use Online learning tools?

What advantages do you see in Online training programs?

Specify "Other"

What disadvantages do you see in Online training programs?

Specify "Other"

What should an Online training program include to make it more appealing to you?

Do you listen to podcasts?

What tools do you use on a regular basis (at least once per week)?
Microsoft TeamsZoomSkypeWhatsAppLinkedIn
PodcastFacebookInstagramNothing (!!)Other (please specify)

Specify "Other"

Do you think “soft skills” are taught enough in Companies?

Do you think “soft skills” are taught enough in Schools or Universities?

Which top 3 “soft skills” do you think are most valuable for you or the people around you?
Self-confidenceDeportmentCross-culture awarenessEmpathy
CommunicationOther (please specify)

Specify "Other"

If you are one of our awesome clients, or know of us, please tell us why you like us… (come on, please don’t be shy!) and if you don’t, please tell us too as your opinion really counts!

How much would you be willing to invest for an Online training program?

Specify "Other"

Have you enrolled on other Online training programs using a mix of materials, or do you know of other Online training programs: podcasts, videos, live coaching over the Net, handbooks, and goodies sent by regular mail?

In a “post-Coronavirus” economy, do you think that your budget for training programs will have reduced?

In a “post-Coronavirus” time, do you think that Online training programs will still be the preferred option or will “in person” courses come back?

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Thank you!
Progress makes us HAPPY.